Feb 14 2020

3 Common Causes of Oil in Air Filter


If you have ever change your air filter and you notice that the filter is bit oily and it makes you worry if this indicates some sort of problem in engine of vehicle or not? In this article we will discuss about why there is oil in the air filter, what are its causes and is this dangerous or not?


What Causes Engine Blow By?

When you start the vehicle and engine runs, it creates natural pressure in the crankcase from fuel, air and oil slipping before the piston rings. This phenomenon is called as blow by. If blow by occurs occasionally then it is considered as normal because the ring piston was not able to seal the engine oil completely from the walls of the cylinder but excessive blow by could cause problems.


Moreover blow by in the combustion chamber burns differently than the air fuel mixture of gasoline and also it is very difficult for sensor to measure the right amount of fuel and gasoline mixture. It also decreases the octane number of the gasoline. This can cause pre- detonation which is commonly known as knocking, the knocking can cause engine damage which can cost you heavy amount.


Common Causes of Oil in the Air Filter:


1 Clogged Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV):

Old vehicles technology were not so advance so they are used to have blow-by to the atmosphere, but the emission gasses are very harmful to the atmosphere. That’s why the in modern vehicle PCV valve was introduced which control the amount of emission gases and shift blowback towards air intake instead of leaving these harmful gases in the environment. If the PCV valve becomes clogged, the positive pressure in the crankcase need place to go so they may end up slipping through seals, gasket or any other tiny gap it find in the engine. If the valve remains open then it will allow more oil to enter in the intake side. That’s why PCV needs to be replaced regularly like the air filter.


2 Worn Piston Rings:

Rings Piston play an important role in the proper functioning of the engine. They prevent leakage of engine oil in the combustion chamber but with the passage of time when the rings piston worn out, the pressure in the combustion chamber get leaked and this decreases the power of the engine and it also increase in blow-by, You might notice that the when your Rings Piston are worn out more oil comes in the filter housing.


3 Aftermarket Air Filer:

Some filters of the famous brands are mostly reusable; these filters only require a thin oil film on the exterior surface of the filter before use. But if you notice oil in the inner surface of the filter its means that the owner has applied too much oil to the filter. We recommend that read the owner manuals so that you get information about how to change and prepare the air filter.

"DO NOT COPY" Above Article, Prepared & All Rights Reserved By The Dealer's Point


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