Jul 11 2020

Tips so that your Car does not Suffer on the Beach


Summer is coming, one of the most difficult times of the year for the car. We have already given a few keys for proper maintenance and now we are going to focus on a more specific place: the beach. It is one of the favorite destinations for summer vacations thanks to the enjoyment produced by the sea or the sand. However, these elements can cause damage to our vehicle. If you don't want that to happen, follow these tips.


Beware of the Beach Sand:

The beach is synonymous with sand. Everywhere, in heaps. In fact, it is one of the main enemies of the car. It is almost impossible to get inside the vehicle, but you can reduce the amount with a good cleaning of the occupants before mounting. To avoid accumulation, we can choose accessories such as replacement mats for summer use only. It should also be said that the rubber mats are easier to clean.


Eye to the Car Upholstery:

Another task that the occupants of the vehicle have to carry out before mounting it to dry completely. Sitting in the seats in a wet swimsuit can only help spoil the upholstery and leave bad odors from that accumulated moisture. If there is no other choice, the solution of sitting on the towel can help. However, it is more advisable to buy seat covers and avoid deterioration during this time.


The Paint also Suffers:

It is one of the biggest obvious things of the summer, the paint suffers a lot due to high temperatures, mosquitoes, etc. The sand only aggravates those damages in the paint, in addition to being able to affect other components such as the windows or the headlights. In the case of temporary parking, there may be no reason to leave the car near the beach, but for longer parking, try to avoid leaving it near the coast.


High Temperatures when Picking it Up:

After a few hours in the sun and with the temperatures that we registered in Spain on these dates, the interior of the car becomes a real hell. To avoid those annoying burns with the steering wheel, the gear lever, or the belt closure; it is recommended to always use a parasol. This element will also prevent the wear of the interior finishes. Another example is this trick, which is usually quite effective. If there is an option, the best way to avoid this is to leave the car in a parking lot or in a shady area.


A Good Cleaning After the Holidays: 

When you return from summer vacation it is almost mandatory to do a thorough cleaning of the car. Starting with the exterior, to avoid that nitrate that can corrode the body. Pressurized water is the best way to remove it, although the first check that all the sand has been removed, as it could damage the paint. Inside you will also have to give a review, with pressurized air or a powerful vacuum cleaner that manages to remove any remaining sand. Another option is to do it with a professional who will save you the work and will be able to clean elements such as the underbody and even the engine.

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