Apr 20 2020

7 Tips to Take Care of your Car


Proper maintenance of your car is of utmost importance to enjoy your comfort for a longer time.


Here are 7 tips to keep it brand new for longer:

Apply these tips, since the car like all machinery needs a series of care for its correct operation. It is crucial to keep it in optimal conditions, thus extending its useful life and you will feel safer without having problems on your daily trips. We tend to pay more attention to some aspects of our car, leaving many aside, without realizing that the interior, exterior and mechanics must be treated with the same interest.

A vehicle needs the care to maintain its good appearance and operation in this way you will get a good price for it, follow the advice we give you below:


1. Tires:

Check the air in your tires every year because the temperature they are exposed to changes pounds per square inch. Just 10 degrees difference can cause you to spend more gasoline, and you also risk tires bursting from bad pressure. It is also recommended that you check the tire pressure before any trip.


2. Battery:

Only when it fails we give the necessary importance to the battery. This important element should be reviewed every three years since sometimes it needs to be changed. Overheating can weaken its operation and is a fundamental part of the vehicle's load.


3. Refrigerant:

Use the antifreeze suggested in your vehicle manual, it is important that you do not apply water as it deteriorates it. If you do not know how to perform this procedure it is necessary to take it to a mechanic, it must be changed and checked periodically.


4. Wiper blades:

Over time they harden and wear-causing scratches on the glass. They may stop working as a result of the accumulated dirt. If they are new and do not clean, you may wipe alcohol with a damp cloth.


5. Brakes:

Regularly clean the brakes, as they will take up more energy and effort, especially on wet pavement. Check the interior of your car making sure that there are no objects inside that obstruct the brake or accelerator, as this could complicate the handling.


6. Oil:

Measure the oil since it is the essential lubricant for the car's functions. The fact that it is too high or too low will harm your journey. Always remember to use the oil recommended by the manufacturer.


7. Headlights:

Wipe the headlights with a rag constantly, otherwise accumulating dust will reduce the light intensity by 10%, which can cause problems, particularly at night or when visibility is poor. With these simple tips, you can keep your car in good condition. In addition to being simple and easy to check. We remind you that the smooth running of your car keeps you and your family safe.

"DO NOT COPY" Above Article, Prepared & All Rights Reserved By The Dealer's Point


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