Jan 28 2020

4 Reasons Why Water is Coming Out from Your Car Exhaust


The combustion engine of the vehicle emits harmful gasses during the combustion phenomena, these gasses will make the condition worse if these gases remains in the engine which is way car manufacturing vehicles build exhaust system which is attached with engine to expel these harmful gasses. Basically there is piping which is attached with the engine and gasses flow from these pipes and expel into the atmosphere. Sometime you will notice that along with these gasses water drops are also coming out from the exhaust which mostly is not a case to worry about but you need to understand all the possible conditions why water is coming out from the car exhaust which we will discuss in this article. Then you will be able to understand on your own before going to the car mechanic.


Top 4 Causes of Water Coming Out of Your Tailpipe:


1 Engine Water Condensation:

When combustion occurs in the internal combustion engine of the vehicle, it creates pollutants which are mainly of three types i.e. water vapor, nitrogen, carbon dioxide. When these gasses leave the exhaust with high pressure and temperature carbon dioxide get mixed with the water vapors and due to lower temperature in the atmosphere these gasses becomes cold and becomes water vapors through the process of condensation and in this way drops of water coming from the exhaust.


2 Hot Engine:

When you start your vehicle internal combustion occurs which increase slowly temperature of the engine and oil of the engine which lubricates the internal moving parts of the engine, while the exhaust system also becomes hot when hot gasses from the engine passes through the exhaust, if you are leaving in the environment where weather is so cold. As a result, water drops will come out from the exhaust for few minutes and then clear up when the engine gets its maximum temperature.


3 Catalytic Converter:

Modern cars exhaust systems are equipped with the catalytic converter which function is to convert harmful toxic gasses into less toxic before leaving the exhaust. In the process of conversion water vapors are produced which comes out through the exhaust in the form of drops which is the normal phenomena.


4 Bad Pistons or Rings:

The first three reasons for water coming out from the exhaust are normal phenomena which you should not worry about. But if the water vapors come out due to bad Pistons or Rings then it will be alarming situation. In case of piston rings worn out smoke with burning smell and water vapors are coming out from the exhaust. Sometimes you may smell odor of sweet which is even worse condition because of burning of coolant. If you find any of these symptoms immediately stop the vehicle and pursue the mechanic to fix this problem.


"DO NOT COPY" Above Article, Prepared & All Rights Reserved By The Dealer's Point


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