Feb 21 2020

 Symptoms of a Bad or Clogged Fuel Filter


The fuel tank directly interact with environment when we refill the fuel tank at the gas station then chances of dirt, dust and debris going inside the fuel tank become higher, it pollute the fuel in the tank and directly affect the fuel filter because fuel passes through the filter before going  in the engine. As time passes these contaminants gather in the filter and clog the filter which stops the fuel to pass through the engine, severely affect the performance of the vehicle because blockage will not allow the fuel to pass through and it make the fuel pump to overwork. For maximum performance of your vehicle it is best to replace fuel filter at regular interval recommended by manufacturer in owner manual of the vehicle.


In this article we will discuss about some symptoms of a bad or clogged fuel filter which will help you in understating the problem if you face any kind of problem about fuel filter and will save your time by getting the exact cause of problem rather than beating around the bush.


Top 4 Bad Fuel Filter Symptoms:


1 Hesitation or Misfires:

When the fuel filter becomes clogged then the engine show hesitation if you increase the acceleration as you step on the gas pedal, if you ever get stuck in a situation like this then it is best practice to check your vehicle fuel filter it might be possibility that fuel filter may have a good amount of dirt or debris which is clogging it. Any kind of blockage in the fuel filter stops the normal flow of gasoline into the engine which leads of unusual combustion and vehicle shows poor reaction and power when we increase the speed. Engine require contact flow of fuel in the cylinder for proper combustion clogged filter stops the steady flow of fuel and unusual fluctuation in the flow of fuel cause misfires in the engine.


2 Engine Doesn’t Start:

Every vehicle engine require the proper ratio of air and fuel mixture for normal combustion but due to the clogged filter the right amount of fuel will not pass through the filter, as a result the engine will not start. If you ever get stuck in problems like this examine your fuel filter and replace it immediately otherwise the required amount of fuel will not enter in the engine to allow it to start.


3 Poor Acceleration:

There are many factors which contribute to decrease the acceleration of the vehicle and a bad or clogged filter is one of them. Because clog in filter blockage the passage of gasoline passes through it and in this way low amount of fuel will go into the engine and vehicle will work under power, this condition is more noticeable when we increase the speed of vehicle with heavy loads in incline areas, in rare cases bad or clogged filter put the vehicle in limp mode.


4 Check Engine Light On:

Engine light turning on can indicates all sort of problems mostly it happens when severe damage to the engine occurs but bad fuel filter can also triggers the engine light to turn on. It happens mostly in vehicle which are equipped with the fuel pressure sensor to monitor the volume of fuel going into the engine. When we attached scanner with the main computer of the vehicle the diagnostic tool may indicate the failure of the fuel pressure sensor which it infect the problem of the fuel filter. The professional mechanic can indicate the exact cause of engine light turning on.


"DO NOT COPY" Above Article, Prepared & All Rights Reserved By The Dealer's Point


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